It’s National Oatmeal Day

I don’t know about you but I love oatmeal. In fact, I’ve been eating oatmeal a lot lately. Last week, all I wanted to eat was oatmeal so I proudly shamefully admit I ate oatmeal for dinner last week and tried to do it last night, but Willie stopped me.

Happy National Oatmeal Day! Is it sad I had this many pictures of #oatmeal on my phone? What's your fav oatmeal topping?

This is how much I love oatmeal! I had all of these pictures and more on my phone. Most mornings you will see me eating oatmeal. I love steel cut oats, but for time I make overnight oats almost every day. When I’m not eating oatmeal, I’m probably eating pumpkin pancakes, but that’s a RARE occasion. When I don’t have oatmeal in the morning, it’s just not right. I am VERY SERIOUS about my oatmeal, and Willie says I make it the best.

I love oatmeal in the morning the most because it keeps me full until lunch time AND there are so many possibilities to what you can add to your oatmeal. My favorite oatmeal concoction has been the peach cobbler overnight oats.

#mealprepping for another #trip! Gotta take stuff with us! #roadtrip #healthy #healthyeating

Here’s what you need:

1/2 cup old fashioned oats
1/2 almond milk or your milk of choosing
1/2 greek yogurt or low fat yogurt of choice
1/2 cup of peaches (I used fresh but frozen will do)
1/2 cup of apples diced
Banana (small bit, half or whole banana it’s your choice but cut it in small pieces)

Here’s what you do:

My overnight oats are meant to be quick. So I usually slice the peaches and apples and warm them up in the microwave for about 1-2 minutes.

While those are in the microwave, I mix up the oats, banana, milk and yogurt in a jar or other container with a lid. When the fruit is done, I add it to the mixture.

And then I put the lid on it and store it in the fridge until morning! In the morning you can top it with whatever you like, granola or fruit. We’ve been on a peanut butter kick lately so we’ve been adding that in it too!

It’s a quick and easy breakfast! You get your whole grains, complex carbs, dairy and fruit servings in delicious bowl.

What do you like on your oatmeal?