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Veggie tots, what’s the deal?


If you follow me on Instagram stories (you totally should, username is webeatfat1) you have seen I’ve been trying out [...]

Five Things Friday: finally blogging edition

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I feel like I’m sneaking to blog.  It’s in the wee hours of the morning but I need to get [...]

Do calorie counts on menus matter?


There’s a new trend popping up on menus everywhere.  Have you seen it? The days of having to look up [...]

Things are not normal


The best blogs are the ones when you write about what you know so that is what I have to [...]

Motivation to get back on track


It’s the holidays and people seem to get off track during this time.  For me, I’m dealing with a big [...]

Do I still meal prep?

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I’ve read the e-mails and I know people want more food stuff on the blog because it’s seriously lacking.  I [...]