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achieving goals

There’s nothing holding you back


Happy Monday!  It’s time to kick start the week and make something happen.  I’m a huge sports person and watching [...]

Catching up: the anniversaries and baby


I’m barely keeping things together.  Having a new baby is challenging.  It’s not so much the sleep thing that is [...]

Transform your thinking to be grateful

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My blogging schedule has been interuptted by the Olympics. I love the Olympics so hard that I spend all my [...]

#MondayMotivation: Attitude gives you strength


Happy Monday!  This post is coming at you very late because I haven’t been feeling well today.  Since I was [...]

Motivation: If you don’t succeed, try again

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Happy Monday everyone!  It’s time for a little Monday Motivation for you about trying.  I just want to let you [...]

Motivation from within


I’m still stuck on a motivation kick. Maybe because I’m kicking it into high gear because I lacked motivation for [...]