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weight loss journey

Transformation Tuesday: Falling into running


I never thought I would be a runner. When we started our weight loss journey, I definitely didn’t think it [...]

Never give up


There are a few new faces to the blog because of some media coverage that has occured so I wanted [...]

Weight loss transformation begins with a choice


Six years ago life was very different.  Sometimes it’s seems like things were simpler back then because I didn’t worry [...]

#TourDeAngie: Weight loss and alcohol.


Thursday night I made my trek to state #17, North Carolina, for the Tobacco Road Marathon which is tomorrow. I [...]

The struggle is real

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I wish I could tell you how many times I’ve sat down to write a blog post and then nothing [...]

Water drinking experiment: out of sight out of mind?

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It’s winter.  It’s coldish and the need to drink water has lessened.  I’m not trying to cool my body off [...]