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September 2014

Zucchini and Summer Squash Fritters


Every time I got on instagram someone was posting pictures of zucchini fritters.  I’ve never had a zucchini fritter in [...]

A week in review: washing machines and workouts


Happy Friday everyone!  This has been the LONGEST short week of my life.  I’ve been finding it hard to push [...]

I don’t spend a lot on my workout clothes. I’m not fancy.


The truth is: I’m not fancy. People have asked me several times where I get my workout clothes, especially when [...]

Dos and don’ts of strength training


I’m not expert but I had to figure a couple of things out on my own. (Always remember to consult [...]

Knowledge is power so go get it!

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My favorite graduate school professor told me “knowledge is power but people don’t want to pay for that power.” Paying [...]

Introducing this week’s lunch: Meatloaf with a recipe.

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Happy Labor Day everyone! I’ve been hosting some friends this weekend so Sunday setup has come into Monday! I know [...]