I never know where to start so I’ve been avoiding my blog altogether. I have plans for the blog but [...]
Team Healthy Kids
Friday Five: Running, baby and everything else
Hey everyone! It’s been a long week and I’ve spent most of it working, eating or sleeping. I’ve become the [...]
Chicago Marathon Weekend
I’m not a bad blogger, I promise. I’m just a pregnant woman who moves a little a bit slower than [...]
Win a Headsweats trucker hat for Global Running Day!
Hello all! I’m still here. More on this later…keep reading. I’m coming at you to talk about Global Running Day [...]
Why I stopped showing up to running group?
My running group is great. I love being a Strutter as most of you can tell from my race pictures. [...]
Transformation Tuesday: Falling into running
I never thought I would be a runner. When we started our weight loss journey, I definitely didn’t think it [...]