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We’ll be on the TODAY Show Monday and ending the year

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I’m really excited to tell share with everyone that Willie and I will be on the NBC Today Show on [...]

Recipes: Stay healthy and indulge over the holidays


It’s coming on Christmas and there are tons of treats and foods in your face.  It’s impossible to escape.  You [...]

Get active during Thanksgiving holiday


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we’re all going to be eating to enjoy the holiday.  I hope everyone does enjoy the [...]

We are in Runner’s World talking weight loss!

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I am so happy to finally share with everyone that we are in the December 2015 issue of Runner’s World. [...]

Three tips for FALLing back into fitness and nutrious food


Fall is a beautiful time. The leaves are changing colors and the weather gets a little bit cooler. This is [...]

Don’t skip your exercise warm up.


I do realize a lot of my readers are on their own journeys and don’t know where to begin.  Healthy [...]